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St Mary's Church of England Primary School

St Mary's Church of England Primary School

Ethos, VISION and Values

We work together to promote our shared school values of love, respect, hope, courage, compassion and joy.

Our vision is for St Mary's to be Christian-centred hub of learning which embraces the whole community, blending tradition with innovation.

We aim high and aspire to nurture capable, curious learners who will go on to positively impact the world around them.

Let your light shine... - Matthew 5:16


We believe that every child deserves a real childhood - one that provides them with opportunities to learn, create, imagine and explore the world around them – living life to the full. 
I came to give life - life in all its fullness! - John 10:10

We aim to...

  • Pursue high expectations for all children;
  • Empower children to become responsible local, national and global citizens;
  • Discover potential through a holistic, inspiring and inclusive curriculum;
  • Strive for excellence and innovation in all areas;
  • Create an inclusive and caring Christian community in which faith can be explored;
  • Develop and nurture mutually supportive relationships between home, school, church and the wider community.
Do not let anyone treat you as if you are unimportant
because you are young. Instead, be an example to the
believers with your words, your actions, your love,
your faith and your pure life. - 1 Timothy 4:12