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St Mary's Church of England Primary School

St Mary's Church of England Primary School


Intent: What do we want to achieve?

At St. Mary’s, we endeavour to provide a curriculum that is broad, balanced, flexible, relevant and inclusive: ensuring coverage and progression. These things are always considered when we are focused on curriculum development and planning. Pupils individual needs and different learning styles are considered in our efforts to help all achieve their potential and experience in depth learning, as well as enabling them to make connections across different areas of learning. Our curriculum enables children to learn and work collaboratively and to make a significant contribution to their school community and the wider world, as well as supporting and developing effective transition.

At St. Mary’s we teach the statutory requirements of the Foundation Stage, the National Curriculum and the West Sussex Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. We also follow the guidance for Collective Worship and Religious Education provided by the Diocese of Chichester. We strive to provide a wide range of opportunities for our children to ensure that they develop as independent, confident and successful learners with high aspirations able to make positive contributions to our community and beyond. Many of these opportunities extend beyond the statutory requirements of the school and can be seen in our St. Mary’s Experience document that outlines the activities we provide to ensure a real sense of life in all its fullness. We have high expectations to encourage each of our pupils to make the best possible progress and achieve their potential.

Implementation: How do we do it? 

Fundamental to our curriculum experience is the quality of teaching and learning. We look for ways to continually improve the quality of teaching based upon our agreed learning certainties and a reflective, collaborative approach. We strongly value each of our broad range of subjects, as well as high quality enrichment activities encouraging creativity and originality.
Our curriculum is regularly reviewed. Subject leaders play an important part in the success of this through a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review as part of a cohesive and effective staff team. This ensures that any curriculum changes/developments are incorporated into school practice. We ensure that the needs of individual and groups of children can be met with quality first teaching, supported by targeted interventions where appropriate and so have a positive effect on pupil outcomes.

We enhance and enrich our curriculum with a wide range of trips, visits and experiences - all with the aim of making learning experiential, real-life applicable and memorable for the children.

Impact: How do we measure success? 

The impact of our curriculum is evident across the school (and beyond) in many guises:

  • Attendance: children want to come to school.
  • Enthusiasm: shown by our pupils as recognised in feedback from visitors, parents and children.
  • Community: high levels of parental involvement and volunteer support.
  • Environment: displays reflecting the children’s independent learning and quality work.
  • Achievement: children are proud of the work they’ve produced showing their best.
  • Responsibility: children take responsibility for their own learning and for making the world a better place.
  • Values: children living out Christian values in their everyday life.
  • Social skills: responsible, caring and considerate citizens who love learning.

Want to know more?

You can find further detail on our Subject Progression pages, and discover how we enhance this learning with extra-curricular activities in The St Mary's Experience.

Information about how we make the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs can be found under SEND Information.

If you have further questions, please contact the Leadership Team via the school office - we'd love to tell you more!