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St Mary's Church of England Primary School

St Mary's Church of England Primary School

Collective worship

Every morning, the whole school takes part in Collective Worship during our school assembly. Our worship is led by different members of staff, local clergy and visiting speakers.

We aim to ensure our worship is...

Inclusive - it is accessible to anyone, regardless of their personal beliefs.

Invitational - there are plenty of opportunities to actively participate.

Inspiring - it gives food for thought, or motivates action!

Each half term, our theme for worship is one of our six school values, allowing us to explore each of them in depth and with a Christian perspective in the course of a year. 

Our worship follows a weekly pattern to ensure it is varied and interesting. You can find out more about this on our worship board in the school hall, and in our Collective Worship Policy.



Click on the days of the week to find out more!

On Mondays...

We explore our focus value for the half term. These are: 

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Hope Courage Love Compassion Respect Joy

On Tuesdays...

We explore ways in which we are all unique, special and loved by God. We often welcome visiting speakers from different organisations to tell us about their work or faith. 

We also explore topics such as safeguarding, inclusion and anti-bullying, thinking about how our values guide our thoughts and choices. 

On Wednesdays... 

On Wednesdays, our worship is led by the Church Assemblies Team. 

Every other week, our Open the Book team - made up of volunteers from local churches - perform dramatised Bible stories which take us through the story of the Bible over the course of the year. Each year, we choose different stories to include. 



The following week, leaders from St Mary's church  help us to think more deeply about the story and consider how it might apply to us today. 

On Thursdays... 

We find out about current affairs and pray for the wider world in our topical Picture News assemblies. 

You can find out about the sorts of things we've covered this year in the Picture News for parents and carers summaries below...

 On Fridays... 

We celebrate the gifts God has given us, and give Him thanks and praise!

Certificates are awarded to children who have demonstrated our school values in action that week, and children are invited to bring in any awards they have achieved outside of school to share with us. 

We also celebrate birthdays and other achievements such as sports results from the week, all of which contributes to the sense of community and fellowship we value here at St Mary's. 

Finally, our Friday worship song is voted on by children throughout the week, and announced by the Worship Council - a much-anticipated moment!